The Wound Wants to be Touched

What began as a routine medical appointment transformed into a spiritual opening.

After many kilometres on a bike, a very soft bed, and a non-existent pillow a Dear One in my life ended up with enough new aches and pains that we sought out an osteopath during our holiday in France. We were delighted to find she spoke English confidently and even more delighted as she debriefed her treatment session with us. First, she asked a lot of questions, then moved into questions and exploratory treatment, followed by treatment and finally a conversation with us about what had happened.

As she began her treatment, she noted that the body welcomes the healing touch. At one point I saw her hands on a recent surgery scar. As she held her touch lightly on the scar I could see the muscles nearby begin to twitch. Later she said that a wound wants to be touched. She encouraged a regular, gentle massage for the scar which would stimulate healing throughout the muscle. I didn’t know that a scar was more than a superficial mark. It actually goes deep into the muscles and gentle movements help the deep scar to heal.  

A wound wants to be touched. What’s true physically is true emotionally. In both my psychological and spiritual training, I’ve been taught to slow down, be present to the part of me that is reactive or resistant. That’s an indication of a deep wound. It wants to be looked at, acknowledged, and touched. It wants to be healed….even if it seems resistant. Often our wounds can seem to run away, but they don’t. It more likely our ego that doesn’t want to unsettle the status quo. We’ve learnt how to live with a certain amount of pain, how to compensate in the way we walk, or the way we relate to others. Looking at, and even touching our wound changes our equilibrium. It may unsettle our ego, but our wound is waiting for us to help it heal. Will we slow down, be attentive to the call and invite the Spirit to gently move our wound, bringing healing to our deepest part? Will we? Or will we rush through our days, pushing reactivity, resistance or pain away?

Our wounds are waiting to be touched. Is this the day to slow down and gently touch a tender part of your being?

Love and prayers on the journey


Mystic in Motion

Companion on the Way with Contemplative Fire

Companion on the Rivendell Way

Society Member of Shalem Institute for Contemplative Living

2 thoughts on “The Wound Wants to be Touched

  1. Thank you so much, Anne.

    There are a lot of wounds between my brother and me. I pray for how they can be “touched” to aid in their calming and healing. These wounds and scars are deep and tough and continually get poked instead of soothed.


    • Thank you for directing my thoughts to family wounds. I have those too. You encourage me to sit intentionally with one of them today.


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