Puddle Jumping with Jesus

Young children can be so delightful. Who hasn’t seen a little one spy a puddle and take a running leap with both feet into it? Such a lightness, an ability to be present and thoroughly enjoy what’s happening.

I was with my Mystical group this week and although we’re reading a 14th century mystic, we ended up imaging children jumping into puddles! Our ancient mystic invites us to live with wholehearted abandonment, holding life lightly and our love affair with God closely. As adults we get so serious…..lots of studies show how we forget how to laugh, worry a great deal and hide behind fears of what others think. We spend our days striving, competing, being hard on ourselves and quick to blame others. Oh gosh, we can be a dreary lot of human beings!

Can you imagine being in love, and hold that feeling in your heart? Hold the warmth, the feeling of bursting alive, the secret delight that tickles you, the feeling that caries you through the day. Our ancient mystic invites us to hold that head-over-heels feeling in our heart and turn it wholly towards the Divine One, our Creator, the Source of Life. We are to live hopelessly in love with God, a bit giddy even, delighting in all around us. I’m calling it puddle jumping with Jesus.

I won’t be around next week for I’m away on an Ignatian eight-day retreat. I’m off to look for some puddles.

Just having some fun in life. How does that sound to you? ‘Travelling Light – Dwelling Deep’ are trail markers on my community’s pathway. I’m ready to lighten up a bit. Will you join me?

Hope all our boots are muddy when I return.

Love and prayers


Mystic in Motion

Companion on the Way with Contemplative Fire

Companion on the Rivendell Way

Society Member of Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation

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