A Safe Place: Home

After posting last week’s exhaustion blog, I opened one of the books I’m currently reading to find this quote from Maya Angelou:

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

Now that gives me pause. I had found a safe place in that community. What other places have I known? What people have I known that were safe? What communities have I known?

I’m grateful I can name some people and communities, ones that have called me into being myself. But….I’m also instantly aware of places and people with whom I don’t relax, I’m on guard, feel unaccepted. That gives me pause too. I know the difference. I believe I’m to grow into being safe no matter where I am or who I’m with, but I’m not there yet! I carry more of a safety net with me today than I did years ago or even one year ago, but I’m still entangled in some of the old patterns. As I move into a new week, one where I’ll see lots of family, some friends and enter one of my communities, I’m carrying that awareness of the need we all have for safe people and safe places.

As much as I need safe places and people, I also want to provide a safe zone to others. I believe that involves being myself, deeply myself, living as much as I can from my heart, in an intuitive space. That’s the best I can offer others, that’s the best I can bring into the world.

What safe places have you known? Safe people?  What ‘homes’ have you known?

Love and prayers on the journey home,


Mystic in Motion

Companion on the Way with Contemplative Fire

Companion on the Rivendell Way

Society Member of Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation  

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