Letting Go

I’m spending the weekend in the delightful, enriching, and
challenging presence of the Healing Pathway community as I learn the basics of
energetic healing prayer. One of the practices that has touched me is that of
releasing. After we complete a time of prayer with someone one, we tell them they
are released into the loving care of God. We then step away and release them to
God so we’re not carrying their energy with us. This practice touches both my
overly responsible side, that has soft boundaries and my professional side that
has strong boundaries, neither of which I see now are helpful. I’m learning
about releasing my sense of responsibility, that deeply programed part of me
that thinks it has to take care of the universe. Years ago a dear spiritual
director gave me a thoughtful prayer. It helped me then, and continues to help
me today.  


I behold the Christ
in you.

I place you lovingly
in the care of the All Caring One.

I release you from my
anxiety and concern.

I let go of my possessive
hold on you.

I am willing to free
you to follow the dictates of the indwelling Spirit.

I am willing to free
you to live your life according to your best light and understanding.

Husband, wife, child,

I no longer try to
force my ideas on you, my ways on you.

I lift my thoughts
above you, above the personal level.

I see you as God sees
you, a spiritual being, created in God’s image, and endowed with qualities and
abilities that make you needed and important – not only to me but to God and God’s
larger perspective.

I do not bind you.

I no longer believe
that you do not have the understanding you need in order to meet life.

I bless you.

I have faith in you.

I behold Jesus in


Love and prayers for healing and freedom for us all


Mystic in Motion

Companion on the Way with Contemplative Fire

Companion on the Rivendell Way

Society Member of Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation

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